Don’t you think you should be doing the best and most efficient exercises to make the most out of your time? Spending time at the gym is only as effective as you make it.
1. Kettle Bell/Dumbbell swing:-
The swing is a great exercise that many people ignore in the gym. It’s best when used with a kettlebell, but works fine with a dumbbell as well. The hip workout you get from a swing is hard to beat and helps in any athletic activity. Make sure you drive the hips forward while driving your heels into the ground to get the most out of the exercise.
2. Swimming:-
Plain and simple, swimming is one of the best exercises you can do for your entire body. In many ways it is the perfect exercise for humans. Joints do not bear force or weight while swimming. In addition to that, swimming is one of, if not the most calorie intensive exercises you can do. Your muscles and lungs will be worked in different ways compared to non-swimming exercises and you can burn upwards of 450 calories depending on the stroke in as little as 30 minutes. Talk about an efficient use of your time!
3. Arched Back Pull-Ups:-

4.Overhead Squat:-

5. Renegade Rows/Walking Renegade Rows:-
While it has a tough sounding name, it really isn’t too bad once you start incorporating this exercise into your regular workouts. A renegade row is great for anyone because it works every muscle in the upper body at once. Your legs and core also get a workout as they stabilize your body to keep you balanced and in control of the weights. These can be done with kettlebells or dumbbells (hex-shaped are best) and simply involve a few simple steps. For a better idea of how to do renegade rows, check out this video:
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