1. Start Blogging
One of the most effective and easiest ways of making money online is to start a blog. Blogging allows you to make money through the display of advertisements. There are many websites such as Blogger.com and Wordpress.com which help you set up your own, personal, blog easily. All you have to do is to write on topics which are popular among the people and those which match your skills and your interest. Make sure you write unique content in order to lure down more audience to your blog. Check this link out to see how you can make money from your blog.
2. Provide Services to People Through a Website
If you think you are good at something like in teaching maths, designing logos or creating applications then websites are the best way to use your skills at the right place. There are many websites over the internet where people hire skilled people to get their work done. Register onto such a website and start earning.
3. Participate in Online Surveys
There is a large number of websites, on the internet, which pay the user to participate in their online surveys. It is quite an easy way to earn a bit of extra cash for yourself. You just have to register to the website and participate in its survey. However, there is a high risk of getting stuck in scammy offers on related sites.
4. Build an Informative Website
Making an online website will guarantee you a good income - provided that you know how to initiate your audience. Make sure you write quality content on your website, keeping in mind the interest of the readers. Choose the topics of your interest and start posting relevant data on your website. The more audience you attract, the more revenue you can earn through advertisements.
5. Freelance Writing

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6. Online Data Entry
The basics of Online Data Entry are very simple to understand. All you have to do is to just copy-paste the given data into various free data entry. It is the easiest of the jobs in online money making and the best part is that your earning depends on how much you work. The more you type, the more you earn. Protypers.com is the website which lets you get started in this field.
7. Sell Products - Online
A very easy yet effective way to make money online is to sell your products on websites. Whether you have used or brand new stuff, people are willing to buy almost anything off the web - in a good price. Websites such as olx.com and ebay.com allow you to make a free account and start selling your products immediately.
8. Become an Affiliate
Affiliate Marketing is a highly profitable industry when it comes to money making. You just have to choose a topic of your interest and expertise to get started. Recommend your specific product online and you will get commission for every successful purchase a user makes. Websites such as Amazon.com, Commision Junction and Click Bank are the biggest names in affiliate marketing.

9. Start an Online Forum
Forums provide a good source of knowledge for everybody. Choose a topic that is highly popular among the present generation and start a forum on it. Post catchy information about it and a good deal of people will come over to discuss it. Advertising on your forum will earn you good revenue.
10. Online Real Estate Trading
This is the procedure of buying, developing and selling domain names over the internet. A person buys several domain names and sells them to interested buyers. This procedure is similar to offline real estate buying and selling. A domainer may make good money by developing different sorts of websites and selling them to interested buyers. Check out Site Point Market Place to get satrted.